California, North

Established 2006

News & Updates

Member Highlight: Shelley A. Svoren

Member Highlight: Shelley A. Svoren

Shelley A. Svoren CEO and Founder of Infinite Branches Infinite Branches works with start-up businesses and investors to build sustainable organizations within the global aviation industry. Our mission is to ensure that the money spent on one’s investment in aviation...

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Education Committee

Education committees plan events with high-profile speakers on industry-specific topics. Education sessions are open to 100WF members globally.


Lauren DiCerbo

Pluribus Labs


Maria Joseph

Ernst & Young LLP

Pragati Bakshi

Ersnt & Young

Sarah Brin Manasevit

OCA Ventures

Sasha Burstein

K&L Gates LLP

Erika Cramer

How Women Invest LLC

Melanie Gaeta


Sharon Hayman

Jackson Square Partners, LLC

Sushreeta Mohanty

Marianne O

Lumen Advisors

Wendy Richards

MarTel Advisors, Inc.

Jennifer Ries

HC Global Fund Services, LLC

Dr. Nicola Spence

Gerson Lehrman Group

Meera Srinivasan


Lijing Sun

Long River Investment Management Limited

Jennifer Weir

Schultz Collins

Mary Jo Willmore


Peer Engagement Committee


Marianne O

Lumen Advisors

Bronwyn Bailey

J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Shuo Chen


U-Wen Kok

RS Investments

Paige Reeve Uher

Zeo Capital Advisors

Nadine Terman

Solstein Capital

Early Career Committee

Our Early Career Groups focus on 100WF members who are currently working in the broader financial services industry and have up to ten years of professional experience. The groups led by committee members provide an educational and social forum at which women can build lasting, synergistic relationships.


Casey Borovsky

Makena Capital


Madie Cho

SkyKnight Capital