Annual Global FundWomen Week selects over 300 female managers to connect with leading institutional investors

Sep 17, 2021

September 16, 2021 – 100 Women in Finance (“100WF”), a global finance industry network committed to empowering women in finance, today announces that over 300 female fund managers have been approved to participate in its annual Global FundWomen Week, a virtual conference facilitating capital allocation among women-led funds. Over 300 institutional allocators are already registered, with new institutions signing on daily to access this diverse global pool of female-led investment teams.

This year’s Global FundWomen Week will take place virtually for the second year from September 20-24, and will be powered by iConnections, the platform and community that connects investment managers and allocators. The 2020 event connected approximately 350 of the world’s top allocators with nearly 200 female fund managers.

Since its inaugural event in 2014, the conference has provided an opportunity for leading female fund managers to schedule one-on-one capital introduction meetings with institutional allocators. This feature is complemented by a full week of expert panel discussions and fireside chats open to all conference participants, as well as a number of interactive coffee chats in which small groups of participants present and discuss industry issues.

The registered funds include strong representation from EMEA, North America and APAC. A survey of participants that attended last year’s conference revealed that connections made at the conference led to 22% of managers entering into due diligence discussions and 10% of managers receiving allocations only 6 months after the event.

A Diverse Array of Strategies and Asset Classes*

*This pie chart presents a breakdown of the strategies and asset classes represented at the conference from the over 300 firms/managers currently registered to attend.

Amanda Pullinger, CEO, 100WF, said: “The Global FundWomen Week is a chance to elevate women and promote gender and ethnic diversity within the investment community. After the success of our 2020 event, we are excited to continue connecting managers and allocators and encourage allocators to register to meet these talented portfolio managers!”

100WF addresses the under-representation of women in investment roles and seeks to evolve the public perception of what an investment expert looks like. The event is an expression of 100WF’s  Vision 30/40, in which women will perform 30% of investment team and finance industry executive roles globally by 2040. The purpose of the event is to increase the visibility of female fund managers by enabling connections with institutional investors to encourage capital allocations with female fund managers.

Conference Registration is open now for asset allocators.  For more information, please see here:


About Global FundWomen Week

2021 Global FundWomen Week is part of 100WF’s FundWomen initiative, a campaign to elevate the public visibility of female investment professionals, and to enable stronger connections with the institutional investment community. Female fund managers are encouraged to join 100WF’s public directory, which is increasingly used by industry conference producers and the media to source talent for their programming.

About 100 Women in Finance

100 Women in Finance strengthens the global finance industry by empowering women to achieve their professional potential at each career stage. Its members inspire, equip and advocate for a new generation of industry leadership, in which women and men serve as investment professionals and executives, equal in achievement and impact. Through Education, Peer Engagement and Impact, the organization furthers the progress of women who have chosen finance as a career, and enables their positive influence over pre-career young women

About iConnections

iConnections is a community that connects the investment management industry year-round. The iConnections platform is a software that seamlessly connects managers and allocators for virtual meetings, giving managers the ability to subscribe and share information with allocators who can efficiently select and meet managers all on one platform.  The scalable technology powering iConnections can be used for bespoke events by managers, allocators and service providers.  In an environment where physical events and meetings are no longer the norm, iConnections reimagines how the investment industry connects. Visit to learn more.