Who Runs the World? We Do!

Who Runs the World? We Do!

On your mark, get set, go! The 100 Women in Finance members’ global fitness challenge has begun and will take place throughout Women’s History Month from March 1 – March 31, 2022. Bigger than a fitness challenge, this event is being run in support of the...
Register Now: 100WF Virtual Fitness Challenge

Register Now: 100WF Virtual Fitness Challenge

Who runs the world? We do! Join fellow 100 Women in Finance members for a global fitness challenge during Women’s History Month from March 1 – March 31, 2022. Connect your device and compete to log the greatest number of activity minutes (yoga, running, walking,...
100WF Industry Leadership Award

100WF Industry Leadership Award

London – January 26, 2022 – 100 Women in Finance (100WF), a global finance industry organization, announced today that Beatriz Martin, Group Treasurer and UK Chief Executive of UBS Group AG, will receive its 2022 EMEA Industry Leadership Award (The Award)....